
Everything About The La Brea Season 2 Finale Recap 1988

La Brea Season 2: On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, NBC will screen a brand-new episode of their science fiction drama La Brea, and we have a review of the most recent episode for you below.

According to the synopsis provided by NBC for the seventh and final episode of the second season of La Brea, titled “1988,” “A reunited Harris family leads the effort to rescue Caroline and stop the sinkholes from happening, only to find themselves up against forces that threaten to tear their family apart.” Ty decides to take on a task in the hopes of saving his best friend Lucas from a potentially fatal illness.

NBC will telecast the fifth episode of the second season of La Brea at 9 PM and 10 PM Eastern Time. Please make a note to save this page in your bookmarks and check back for our summary of La Brea! Make sure to check out all of our television recaps, news, spoilers, and more while you are waiting for the recap to be posted.

Science fiction is a popular genre, and a future-set story has more options than a past or presents one. La Brea will keep genre fans busy in September 2021. Fans are more significant than critics in genres like sci-fi, and their reactions to the show were considerably more positive than the critics’. NBC renewed La Brea because of the popular response.

La Brea’s premise didn’t disappoint early viewers. At La Brea Tar Pits, a gigantic sinkhole crushes Los Angeles. The chasm is a doorway to 10,000 B.C., adding to the turmoil and sci-fi entertainment. Even that short overview of Season 1’s opening episode is enough to thrill science fiction aficionados, so it’s not surprising the show got a second season. La Brea fans need as much information as possible to stay excited for Season 2.

The first season of the show ended with a lot of questions that weren’t answered, and fans of the show will be hoping that those questions get answered during the narrative arc of the second season. Specific information regarding the whereabouts of members of the Harris family is now public knowledge, despite the fact that particular storyline specifics won’t be divulged until after the premiere of the next season.

Gavin and Izzy are on the opposite end of history in prehistoric Seattle, while Josh has gone through a portal by accident and wound up in 1988. Josh is currently being played by Jack Martin. This structure generates a lot of mystery regarding the specifics of how the family can be reunited, and it also promises a variety of locations to be explored in Season 2, which, with any luck, will allow for some stunning cinematography and computer-generated imagery to be created.

In the La Brea episode airing tonight, Eve and Gavin meet on the pier. He brought them back together as a family, which was no easy task. Levi brings a radio that someone else forgot. It will give them a way to save Caroline. They think of a plan. They need to go to the city center. They’ve got 48 hours.

They go to the place where Caroline is held. She is being watched by two guards with guns. Gavin comes forward. They will do what he says. That’s his mom. They go inside. Caroline is being asked about the virus inside when Gavin bursts in. After he, Levi, and Sam kill the guards, he tells his mother who he really is. Levi was shot in the middle of all the chaos.

The #LaBrea fall finale changes everything. pic.twitter.com/bX1DRl16Gj

— NBC Entertainment (@nbc) November 16, 2022

They take Levi back to the house of a friend where they’re staying. Caroline tells them that she needs to finish the virus. Gavin takes her back to her house while they work on Levi on a picnic table. When Lucas and Scott show up, Ty has already caught his enemy, who is Paara’s husband.

Lucas is hurt and has a lot of scars. He has red veins. He needs to get well. The cure is with Paara’s ex-husband, and he will give it to them if Ty can beat him in a physical competition. Ty says yes. Paara says no.

Gavin brings Caroline, his kids, and Eve to her house. They go to her house. It’s okay. The kids tell each other how happy their parents are. Their daughter doesn’t mention Eve and Levi at all.

Gavin asks about his dad while Caroline works to stop the sinkhole. She tells him that his dad is not good. She then says that she needs to close the portals to stop the sinkholes. Gavin’s family can’t go home because of this.

Gavin asks what his family thinks. Josh feels bad that he didn’t believe his dad when he said he saw things. They both agree that their stay can work. Eve then asks their daughter what it was like to live in the 1980s. Her daughter cares more about making sure her mother is happy. She figures out what she thinks about Levi.

Scott asks Lucas how much he hurts. He orders him to stop talking. Scott thinks they need to take a big step. He leaves without telling anyone what his plan is. Lucas has Veronica stay with him. He tells her he doesn’t deserve to live. He used to sell drugs like heroin. She gives him comfort.

Ty tells Paara that he and Thomas need to fight. He can’t stop trying. He has done it too many times before. She tells him that Thomas won’t be kind. He is planning something.

Sam tells his daughter that he would like to go back home. He doesn’t want to live in the 1980s anymore. She tells him that this place is their future. He tells her though that they don’t have any family here. Levi tells Eve that he wants to stay with her and raise a family the way they should. Agents looking for Caroline come in and stop them. All of them run. They must go help, Caroline.

They sneak past three guards with guns to get Caroline to the sinkhole. They get close to the three ATVs and kill them.

End Words

At the end they come back with a cure for Lucas. Scott got it by making a secret deal with Thomas, who lost a battle to Ty. Scott tells Thomas that he can’t make a deal since Ty won. Thomas tells him he needs one more thing or Lucas will die. Scott throws him out of the house. Then Thomas hits him. He gets going.

Gavin meets Eve and the rest of her family. They are going to follow him. Eve tells Levi. Sam tells Riley that he can’t leave just yet. Riley wants to go everywhere with her dad. Ty asks Paara to marry him, and Scott watches Lucas from afar. I hope he’s okay. Lucas can’t move his other arm, so Veronica holds his hand.

Caroline, Gavin, Eve, and the others all jump into the sinkhole. Gavin sees Eve’s death in his mind. He tells her it’s nothing by lying. Everyone jumps into the hole.


Florance Siggers

Update: 2024-05-03